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vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Notepad++ 6.8 released


"Source Code Pro" is used as default font from this version. The font will be applied only if it's your first installation. In the case you upgrade to v6.8 from an old version, you should set the font "Source Code Pro" as your default font via Styles configurator; otherwise close Notepad++, delete styles.xml (you will lose your old settings) then relaunch it. Of course you can always restore the old default font "Courier New" via Styler configurator.
Settings on Cloud feature is modified in this release: its UI is changed from the choices among dropbox, one drive and google drive to a text field of local cloud path to be filled. there are 2 advantages for this change:
  1. Settings on cloud implementation won't depends on non official interfaces of 3 clouds, which causes the regression each time these interfaces changes.
  2. users can read/write on whichever cloud to synchronize their Notepad++ settings.
Download Notepad++ v6.8 here: Notepad++ Download

Auto-updater will be triggered in few days if there's no critical issue found.

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